Collection: Dust Suppression Tanks & Liquid Suction

When using machinery for drilling, cutting or grinding concrete or stone surface you should be supplying water to both cool the diamond cutting heads and bind the dust to keep the surrounding area and air free from dust clouds which is good for both visibility & breathing. The range of dust suppression tanks will suit all types of application keeping your work area dust free, safe and legal.  These tanks are not restricted to dust suppression however as they are equally suited for watering plants in hard to reach areas, including baskets, or where a supply of water is not readily available.  We have plastic tanks that can be pressurised to 3 bar (45 psi) and metal tanks with a maximum pressure of 6 bar (90 psi).  In addition to our dust binding tanks we have our Suction Fix 4 which can be used to remove liquid from hard to reach areas.

When using cutting or drilling machines then, before you start work, you should be looking for ways to minimise the amount of dust that could be made. This could be ensuring that you aren't using an overpowered machine or using materials that are an odd size so you may be able to purchase materials that are a more suitable size and wouldn't require cutting.  If cutting blocks than it may be possible to use a manual cutting method rather than a saw.

Once you start work then the most important thing is to stop the dust getting into the air, water is very good for this as it is safe and easy to use but it must be used correctly.  The right amount of water should be supplied to the cutting area for the whole duration of the cutting.  Just wetting the surface prior to commencement will not stop the dust once cutting starts.  Our range of dust suppression tanks will supply the right amount of water in a constant flow.